Gowns, Custom Face Masks, and Antimicrobial Gloves
Narratek has established a reliable supply chain, both within the US and internationally.
Our mission is to identify and source the highest-quality, certified PPE from around the world at the lowest possible price.
Narratek sells N95s from 3M, Honeywell, and other manufacturers. Also nitrile and vinyl gloves, OTG and via production.
Plus, the full range of other PPE. Prices quoted upon request.
Highest Quality, Leakproof Gowns
Gowns Availability and Pricing
Face Masks
Narratek supplies all three ASTM levels of 3-ply face masks. We also have printed masks for kids, masks with company logos, and cotton masks both printed and plain. Email to learn the price of your desired mask.
Antimicrobial Gloves -- Reusable, Washable, Comfortable to Wear All Day
Nitrile, latex, and vinyl gloves can harbor dangerous germs upon contact and are discarded on a daily or more frequent basis – thereby polluting the planet. For many applications, we recommend our sustainably made, antimicrobial, reusable gloves, which have a much lower daily cost than disposable gloves. Studies show that 99% of any coronavirus or other pathogen that gets on these gloves will be killed within 2 hours; their extermination starts almost immediately. The glove only needs to be washed about once every 10 uses, up to 30 times, and can last for years. People can wear the gloves at work, protecting their hands from germs. Then when the gloves are removed at home, the germ-killing will continue. Within a couple of hours, the gloves will be virtually free of pathogens. The thumb and index fingertips are conductive for touchscreens. The glove fabric is treated with ViralOff Polygiene® technology. Polygiene® treated fabrics have Medical Class 1 approval, which includes bandages for open wounds.
Other PPE
Narratek also sells: nitrile and vinyl gloves, infrared thermometers, reusable and disposable face shields, antimicrobial cotton face masks, head and shoe coverings, coveralls, goggles, sanitary wipes, hand sanitizer, and antimicrobial copper film to kill surface germs.
Email for details and pricing.
Copyright 2020 Narratek, Inc.